Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Meeting your guides

There is an opportunity for you and your parents to meet the guides from Far Frontiers that will be taking us to Poland and who will be trekking with us in the mountains.
It is REALLY IMPORTANT that you ALL attend this meeting as it is your (and your parents..) chance to ask any questions about the trip and voice any concerns.
Chris Short, whom you met at the first parents evening, will also be there and he will run through the itinerary again and explain how the timings of the two groups will work. This would also be the time to ask any questions you have regarding kit for the expedition.

This meeting will take place in the DRAMA STUDIO on THURSDAY 6th MARCH at 6:00pm. Please come into school via the front entrance. I will send a letter home shortly confirming these details.

I am currently arranging a 'lock-in' at BCH CAMPING in Trowbridge for shortly after the 6th March where you will be able to ask advice from the BCH staff and get a discount on anything you decide to buy on the evening.

Please don't go mad on kit...I suspect that you will already have most of what you require and if anything, you may only need to purchace one or two essential items.

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