Thursday, 24 July 2008

Far Frontiers Contact Number

Just a reminder that if parents need to get in contact with Far Frontiers Expeditions during the trip, they should use:
0844 800 90 29 UK non-urgent calls during office hours or
0044 (0) 1285 720011 From outside UK or 24hr RESPONSE
See you when we get back!
Mr Bloxham.

Monday, 14 July 2008

First Aid for Gold DoE Students

As agreed at the weekend, I have organised a session on first aid in my room on:

Tuesday 22nd July at 1:50pm in M2

I expect it to last a little over an hour, but this maybe longer if you wish to cover more.

The aim of the session is to increase your confidence in first aid procedures by giving you practical scenarios to 'manage'.

Please let me know if you cannot attend. Could you also tell the other Gold students about this post, even if they have read it! The session really will help with your confidence.

Final Meeting

Please remember you are all expected to attend the final meeting this week:
WEDNESDAY 16th JULY in M2 at 3:00pm!!
Please arrive promptly and bring a pen in case you wish to write anything down.
This meeting is for PUPILS ONLY, parents do not need to be there.

Mr B.