Monday, 16 June 2008

Sunday 22nd June - Training Walk

We're off walking again...

Please remind everyone you see that there is another training walk this Sunday, 22nd June, for the 32 pupils that have brought their permission slips back...

...I can't believe that 7 of you still haven't done this. I gave them to you in MARCH!!

Messers Harris and Bradley have 'volunteered' to plan a route for us this coming weekend and I, for one, cannot wait to see what they've come up with!

See you all in the front car park at 8:00am.

As per normal, you will need to bring food and waterproofs. I would use this as an opportunity to walk with the bag you intend to use in Poland. Please learn the lessons of last time and strap your feet up where needed and CHECK THEM REGULARLY DURING THE WALK. If you have to start walking at a snail's pace due to blisters, it affects the whole group! You have a RESPONSIBILTY to look after your feet.

See you on Sunday, Mr B.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Oustanding Paperwork

There are several of you who still owe bits of paperwork to either myself or to Far Frontiers.
This includes some of the original permission slips for the training activities that I gave out in MARCH!...and up to date PASSPORT details that have been requested by Far Frontiers. Please also make sure that you have made your final payments.
If you need new forms for something that you have been asked for please bite the bullet and contact us. We would much rather that than have to wait any longer for forms that are already overdue!!
Please check you have valid PASSPORT and E111 MEDICAL CARDS and they do not run out half way through the trip. You have enough time to apply for new ones if you DO IT NOW!!


During the training events AND THE ACTUAL EXPEDITION to Poland (subject to reception), parents/guardians can contact me or another member of staff helping me supervise on the following numbers:...
1) 07521 167 719
2) 07521 168 123
3) 07847 966 149
Please make sure your parents are aware of these numbers.

Organising kit...

Apologies for the inactivity on the blog for the last few weeks. As I'm sure that most of you have worked out by now, it's exam season and there have been different priorities!
A few people have asked me for a kit list recently. There was a kit list in the initial information (General Information Pack) you received from Far Frontiers about Poland. This contains some great advice and if you would like another copy, please come and see me. You will be able to veiw this outsisde my room over the next couple of days.
The link below takes you to the DoE website kit list. This is a huge list and for ideas only, YOU DO NOT NEED EVERYTHING on this's mearly to help you think of things you might want to take.